It still did not feel real - could i really be pregnant. Sure i was tired, crabby & my boobs sure hurt a lot, but i felt like i was living in a dream.
Only two days after my blood test i started spotting - brown spotting. I had quite a lot of it between week 5-6, scary, but at the same time i knew that if something was going wrong, there was nothing much that could be done at this stage anyhow. Between week 6-7 the spotting was much much lighter and only appeared a few times - mainly after opening my bowels, so tried to believe that it was just old blood from implantation or something.
The day of my scan finally arrived - i had convinced myself that something was wrong, so i left my daughter with my mum for the day whilst myself and hubby headed off for our appointment.
After waiting for what felt like forever in the waiting room, we were finally called in.
I told him how nervous i was and he said that even for him, this first scan was the most scary part of the whole process. He said that he would be quick and would tell us straight away if it was good news, or bad.
Well - it was fantastic news!! Baby was growing well and had a very healthy heart beat. Baby was measuring around 1.1cm and heart beat was approx 143bpm.
He even put pictures onto USB for us.
It really was real!!
We do finally have a baby on board!! Now we are completely over the moon. We really had started to believe that this would never happen for us.
My fertility specialist has now referred us to a specialist obgyn and our next scan is scheduled for 19th Nov. I will be classed as a high risk pregnancy, so it is going to be interesting to see how this all pans out.
Will keep you all updated xx