Monday, 2 September 2013

EPU procedure

Monday 2nd September rolled around, we were up bright and early as we had to be at the Hospital by 6am.

We were put into a room and went through all of my details and filled out some paperwork.

The time finally came around for my procedure - i was so so nervous. We were taken to a little waiting room to the side of the Theatre where i was measured & weighed and then had to sit and wait!!

When we were finally taken in, it all happened so quickly - i was asked to lay on the bed and had a needle popped into my hand and then given some oxygen and then i can't remember anything until i woke up.

My husband said i snored throughout the procedure lol - i guess it was because i still wasn't completely over my head cold yet!!

I woke up comfortable and happy - they advise me that they got 28 eggs. WHAT..... 28 eggs, how did that happen!! We were only expecting 22 at best and that was only if the really little ones from my scan had decided to do something special!

As i was so happy and comfortable i was wheeled back around to my room to recover. As i had gotten so many eggs, they were worried about OHSS so we would not be doing an embryo transfer over the coming days. I was a little heartbroken, although i knew it was for the best.

I came through the procedure easily with no medications at all (not even pain relief) and was so hungry they bought some breakfast around for me which i gobbled down quickly also. Within not much time i was up and out of bed and dressed and ready to go!! Apparently this is not normal for someone getting 28 eggs!!

I was told to phone the next morning to find out more about how my eggs were going..

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